Peace in a war?

Joyeux noel Peace in a war? Is it really possible that peace will exist in a war? No? Yes? Or Maybe??? For many ,it is stupidity to think so. For some, it might be if there’s love and for the few, it isn’t that impossible but it’s hard to make possible. Joyeux noel or joyous Christmas is a true to life film based on war between Germany and France set in 1914. Wherein, both battalion of soldiers of each sides found some peace during Christmas eve in the middle of the war. The leaders of battalions both agreed on a ceasefire to celebrate christmas with soulful music of French opera, some drinks and a mass. Truly, they found peace and the true meaning of Christmas during a devastating war. Today, wherein war still exists in any part of the world. innocent civilians converted to be soldiers, sworn loyalty for their motherlands, thrown into ruin in unknown territories and endless killing… If All wanted and wishes world peace why can’t we have it? So,What do you think?