What is love?

Lady Satine is The superstar of the musical “Spectacular, Spectacular” of Moulin Rouge Opera house —the underworld of Paris,France. She got it all. Uncomparable Beauty, Talent and Fame still, she wanted for more. After working for years in opera house as a theater actress gaining more than she could have handle yet, nothing beats her hunger for treasures and fame. But not until she met the hopeless romantic bohemian revolution’s child and a genius musical writer named Christian. For satine, “diamond is the girls best friend” while For Christian, “The greatest gift is to love and be loved.” Love? What can you say about love? Is it a sensation that makes butterflies in your stomach? Is it an attraction for someone? Or a choice? A choice to love someone despite both of your differences? In this film Moulin Rouge, for me both Satine and Christian considered their love as both romantic and a choice. Romantic because they fell in love in just a glance. It’s a cliché though. A choice also because despite their differences in characteristics and ambitions they fought for their love. In my opinion, love is a choice. A freewill and an extension of love next to yourself. So,What do you think about love now? Share your thoughts now!

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